The best marketing trends of 2022

Every year marketing trends change, some disappear and others gain popularity. The marketing world develops so fast and it’s pretty easy to be left behind on the latest trends. For marketers, the pandemic led to increased adoption of digital transformation like never before. But what are the best marketing trends of 2022?
Every year marketing trends change, some disappear and others gain popularity. The marketing world develops so fast and it’s pretty easy to be left behind on the latest trends. For marketers, the pandemic led to increased adoption of digital transformation like never before. But what are the best marketing trends of 2022 The marketing trends of 2022 are different from what we had in 2020. Of course, the re-adaptation to the outside world after the quarantines has its own effects on marketing. This article provides you with a preview of the best marketing trends of 2022 and how you can adapt them now so you don’t get left behind! But first, why is it important to follow marketing trends?

Why is it important to follow marketing trends?

Staying a step ahead of your target audience remains vital to being successful and staying relevant in the ever-evolving marketing world. By following the best marketing trends, you will constantly learn; new tools, new activities, new ways to be productive, etc. In this way, your brand will remain up-to-date and you will not lose your ability to compete in the market. Here are the best marketing trends of 2022 that can help you stay competitive in the clustered marketing world of today...

Mutual partnerships...

Partnership marketing allows two or more brands to join forces and reach a larger audience. These campaigns enable your company to work with a complementing company that has a similar target audience for a large mutual advantage. The use of organic and mutually beneficial partnerships would increase the brand growth.

Marketing on Metaverse...

How much do you know about the blockchain and metaverse craze? In 2022, a lot of consumers are no longer spending their money on goods and services. Instead, they’re exchanging them for virtual space on metaverse platforms that promote virtual goods to monetize their free time. If you want to be ahead of your competitors in 2022, make sure you’re paying attention to this marketing trend.

Video marketing! Keep it short!

Videos have always been an excellent marketing tool, but you want to make sure your content doesn’t go on too long. According to a survey by Animoto, 55% of consumers say they like videos that are up to one minute long, while it decreases 36% for longer ones. So, keep it short. Also, over 30% of global marketers are currently investing in short video content, and 46% consider strategy effective when it comes to performance and continued engagement. We recommend TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube Shorts.

Use of shoppable links...

One of the best marketing trends of 2022 is to ensure that potential customers go where they need without leaving the product when they first see the product and completely satisfy their curiosity. The launch of shoppable links makes a difference in this sense. This is one of the key features of marketing that has changed the market in 2022.

Influencer marketing...

Influencer marketing isn’t about building celebrity relationships; it’s about finding and working with social media users who have influence over their communities. There are many ways to find and engage influencers, from running contests or promotions on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, to teaming up with relevant blogs or making strategic investments in startups that leverage influencer networks. As new tools make it easier for brands to reach influencers on an ongoing basis, we’ll see more businesses taking advantage of these partnerships in big ways. Moreover, you do not need to reach million-dollar accounts. Micro-influencers started to be recommended 56% more as of 2021. A great tool for directly addressing an organic audience. When asked what trends they plan to invest in global marketing experts for 2022, 34% say influencer marketing.


There's a reason podcasting is one of our Best Marketing Trends for 2022: It's affordable, accessible, and high-quality. Audio content, especially podcasts, is a huge trend in 2022! US consumers alone listened to nearly 15 billion hours of podcasts in 2021. Also, over 370 million people are listening to podcasts every month. This is an emerging platform and an incredible opportunity for marketers. Because in 2020 this number was 25% fewer US listeners.

A/B testing of website content...

A/B testing is often put on paid ad landing pages. Not used for organic search traffic on high-value SEO pages such as content pages and blogs. Try doing an A/B test on your website's most popular blog post in 2022 and see how it affects the conversion rate.

Inbound marketing...

Consumers' trust in traditional marketing is dropping. A 2017 B2B survey by HubSpot reports that 60% of consumers now find ads intrusive and irrelevant. It's no surprise then that more and more marketers are adopting inbound marketing strategies, which aim to create content people actually want to consume, rather than interrupting them with messages they don't. Inbound strategies could involve blogging, social media, or email—the important thing is that your brand's voice matches your audience's needs. Bottom line: do whatever you can to avoid jumping on the bandwagon—the smartest marketers are moving away from ads, not toward them. While inbound marketing has been around for years, 27% of marketers say they will take advantage of it for the first time in 2022. It will continue to be one of the best marketing trends of 2022, especially for growing brands.
While it’s impossible to know for sure what exactly marketing will look like in the coming years, one thing is clear: most of the best marketing trends of 2022 will remain relevant. Not only that, but many industry experts are excited about a new era in which marketing blends with technology and causes more consumers to actively seek out products rather than passively absorb them via television ads. The best way to stay ahead of these trends is to follow them—and you can start by executing some of the trends listed in this article.

A new way of measuring your content quality!

One of the biggest superpowers of the Content Score is to compute over several factors and tell you exactly what's missing and provide your team meets their content creation goals.

Why content scoring is the key to content marketing success?

Implemented correctly, content scoring can be a good way to forecast a favorable outcome. In content marketing, we need scoring methods that help us win. Simply knowing that our content is good or bad, based on a particular score, is not good enough. A good scoring methodology should encourage an appropriate action.
Content scoring is a new methodology changes that by tracking how individual content assets and campaigns perform in generating leads and opportunities.
Content score is a numerical value that ranges from 0 to 100, representing the quality of the content. The Content Score is to compute over several factors including caption lenght, media type, hashtags count etc.
Based on our data, 40 percent content score is sufficient to publish successful content. Don't forget that the Content Score just makes suggestions. You don't have to strictly follow them.
According to precise study by Jeff Bullas, posts with 80 characters or less receive 66% higher engagement.
Content scoring helps streamline content creation processes and ensures that your team meets their content creation goals.
With the Content Score, you can analyze your content quality and get some refined suggestions for your burning questions.
Your target audience want visually stunning images and not just a bunch of text. Using great visual pieces is a key way to improve engagement and create better brand recognition.
Each social media platform has its own befitting hashtags frequency and crossing it might lead to lesser engagement. Using 10+ hashtags can reduce engagement by 68.2%, as inferred from the Social Baker study.